Setting Up The Site
Setup notes
Some notes from setting up the SwissBIAS website on GitHub, using Jekyll, from Ubuntu
First steps (hello world and README)
- Following instructions on
- Editing files/repo locally and using a terminal as git client, do
$ git add --all
$ git commit -m "Initial commit"
$ git push -u origin main
- Editing files/repo locally and using the GitHub desktop git client (mac or win), do
- click “commit to main”
- click “push”
- Editing files on GitHub, do
- click “Commit change” at bottom of change
Next steps (Jekyll and themes)
- The idea is that Jekyll is installed locally once and used to create the structure of hte site — most edits are done directly in GitHub afterwards, requiring only a browswer
- Read here
- It appears to be necessary to install Jekyll on local machine
Installing Jekyll on Ubuntu
- I have previously done this on macOS, so that is definitely possible and actually turns out to be easier
- In home-dir do
- $ sudo sed -i ‘/cdrom/d’ /etc/apt/sources.list
- $ sudo apt-get install ruby-full build-essential zlib1g-dev
- $ echo ‘# Install Ruby Gems to ~/gems’ » ~/.bashrc
- $ echo ‘export PATH=”$HOME/gems/bin:$PATH”’ » ~/.bashrc
- $ source ~/.bashrc
- $ gem install jekyll bundler
- $ jekyll –version
- answer:
$ jekyll 4.2.0
- answer:
- $ gem env
- GEM PATHS tells me I run ruby 2.7.0
- $ ruby -v
- answer: 2.7.0p0
- $ gem install jekyll bundler
- In ~/Github/ do (has to happen in folder of the project)
- create file “Gemfile” and add this (more will be added later on)
- source “”
- gem “jekyll”
- $ gem install bundler
- $ bundle install
- $ bundle exec jekyll serve
- then navigate to (http://localhost:4000/) to see local version of site
- Looks slightly different from on GitHub, because GitHub has some default theme running
- Automatically creates the folder /_site/ containing “index.html” generated from “”, etc
- create folder /_layouts/ and populate with layout templates
- create folder /_members/ and populate with one file per member, e.g. “”, “” etc - one markdown file for each member
- etc, basically following this tutorial:
- create file “Gemfile” and add this (more will be added later on)
Theme (if bare-bones is too bland)
- Because I already know it, and because it is the most popular theme, I start with minimal-mistakes
- Quick-start guide here:
- Modified Gem and _config.yml according to “Remote theme method” and ran command “bundle”
- Added remote_theme: “mmistakes/minimal-mistakes@4.21.0” to _config.yml